​Conservation Advice
Alry can provide a wide range of conservation advice to homeowners and architects including
Architectural heritage impact assessments for planning applications
Building conservation reports
Grant applications
Repair advice and methodologies for building fabric such as damaged plasterwork, spalling bricks etc.
Advice on water ingress into buildings and the associated problems with damp and mould
​Material Analysis
Material analysis is often required to determine more information about building fabric to ensure its proper repair and conservation Material analysis can identify the original colour scheme of a room, the age of the timber building elements (dendochronology) or the exact composition of building materials (ie the presence of gypsum in lime plaster). Alry in association with specialist research laboratories can undertake building material analysis and advise on the most appropriate analysis techniques and interpretation of results.
Historic Research
Rosanne Walker has undertaken research of historic houses, businesses and towns for home and business owners, architects and local authorities. Alry can assist with any queries relating to building age, style, original use etc. Additionally historic information such as old photographs, drawings and maps can also be sourced.
XRD showing plasterwork of gypsum and lime
SEM image showing hydration products from adding pozzolans to lime mortar
section of lime plaster with animal hair
XRD showing plasterwork of gypsum and lime
Birr Post Office, original drawings 1903
Map of Parsonstown (Birr) for the year 1822 possibly drawn by Thomas L. Cooke
View of Emmet Square in the early twentieth century (1903-1914)
Birr Post Office, original drawings 1903